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What to Do NOW!

Happy New Year!

This being my first blog of 2023, I thought it might be helpful to offer you some suggestions for what you can be doing during this “slower” fundraising season.

As a fundraising expert, you’re aware that philanthropy is usually at its slowest between January and March. That, however, doesn’t mean that you should stop communicating with your donors during these months. And if you’re thinking, “Well Ron, we like to give our donors a rest at the beginning of the year,” good luck with that thinking.

Believe me when I tell you, your competition is communicating and asking even as I write these words.

It’s at least somewhat true that people might not be all that interested in giving, they very well may be interested in hearing from your organization.

After all of the frenzy that occurs between Thanksgiving and New Years, people are more ready to stay home, relax, and recover from the hectic and expensive holidays. Oh, and your messages are more likely to get noticed too.

Add to that the fact that the start of the new year is also a time for reflection and planning for the year ahead and NOW just may be the ideal time to connect with your donors about your important mission.

This is also a good time to encourage people to be monthly givers or to speak with them about planned giving so that it is top of mind as they meet with their tax advisers in the coming months.

Which brings me to this: you should make sure that you have a fine-tuned social media and email communication plan. By keeping up your communications during these slower giving months, you will stay in your donors’ thoughts and prepare them to give again.

Finally, it’s no longer okay to “go slow” during the first three months of the calendar year. Don’t stop communicating impactfully and encouraging your donors to continue their support.



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