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For Any Cause at Any Time, These 5 Common Sense Campaign Principles Work

The argument discussion rages on (and on):  Is this a good time to launch a capital campaign? Maybe yes, maybe no, but one thing is certain—it’s certainly not the time to stop fundraising.


You will raise more money if you can easily and simply explain to your audience the following:

  1. Describe a very specific need – Explain, for example, that you need art supplies for 33 kids, medical kits for 85 senior citizens, a new van that will allow you to deliver 1, 675 meals every week for six months.

  2. Give your very specific need a price tag – Make it a simple, round number that includes all direct and indirect costs.

  3. Create urgency – Create a sense of urgency by including a date by which you need to raise the money. Give people a reason to act now.

  4. Explain why it matters – In simple terms try to state why this project and why now. And remember: people respond more to what might be lost than by what may be gained. Craft your message around what will       happen if the money is not raised by the announced deadline and tell a compelling story about the impact of it not happening.

  5. Double the impact – You’ll get more people to give if you can sweeten the pot if you can work with a donor or two who agree to match all gifts or even some portion.


These 5 fundraising principles are the fundamentals for great fundraising in any context, to raise any amount of money, for any cause.



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